There are many things in this mean old world of ours that I don't understand. I don't understand why people want vampires that send them FTD bouquets. I don't understand why people like music without melodies. I don't understand Mandarin Chinese. I could fill a book with all the things I don't understand. And I think I'd have to dedicate a chapter of that book to the subject of alcohol snobs and their expensive follies. Those of us who drink professionally understand that the goal of the entire imbibication process is inebriation, not another extraneous culinary experience. Anything that gets in the way of that inebriation is the enemy, and there are several things that can get in the way. Sugary, fruity, girly drinks, for example. You can't drink very much of that stuff without losing your ethnic cuisine in the nearest alley, and puking is enough to dampen any sensible person's fun. Some people never learn that lesson....
A celebration of crap.