For the last 30 years, Geraldo Rivera’s career has been marked by one spectacularly lucrative failure after another. His incompetence is legendary. His lack of good judgment is astonishing. His ability to remain employed is miraculous. If failure was an Olympic event, Geraldo would probably find a way to lose that, too. The man is a veritable crap factory, producing journalistic excrement with the regularity of a malevolent metronome. Let us take a moment to reflect. 1986 – Al Capone’s Vault During the renovation of a Chicago hotel that Al Capone had once inhabited, a system of secret tunnels was discovered that led straight to Geraldo Rivera’s ego. A two-hour live special was constructed around the opening of a secret room in one of the secret tunnels, a room dubbed Al Capone’s vault . The hype leading up to this show was extraordinary. It was suggested that the opening of the vault might reveal anything from ma...
A celebration of crap.